19 June 2011

ドキュメント20min. 20110130 中田敦彦(藤森慎吾)

[youku] or [pandora]

In this show, A-chan's former 相方 Kawaguchi-san, who is now a director at NHK, makes a documentary about Oriraji, focusing on A-chan.

There's no glitz or glamour, but it's absolutely awesome.

Things that deeper fans love to see.


FYI, the reason I discovered this is because apparently, it came up at Oriraji's May Mugendai Live.

May Mugendai Twitter feed → [Togetter]

I also found the Twitter feed from when the show actually aired → [Togetter]

The fans were saying that this Oriraji episode was the highest-rating one of the series.



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